
On Surfaces Pt.III: The Thinly Veiled Agendas of the Self-Proclaimed

The Great Hall is an intimate venue. I'm standing in line for drinks that I don't want. I get the drinks and find my seat. The Two Girls are sitting right in front.

There sits a girl, further down the row. We've spoken before. We've spoken on MySpace. I sit in my seat and watch the stage.

Harris Tweed are opening. It's only Cherilyn and Darryl on stage. Cherilyn's selfconscious. The things that they do move me.

There's an intermission. I make a single-serving friend. Jose comes on.

Jose's voice is firm and the guitar is forceful. It strikes me like a wall of conviction. There is so much to take in and with every word he sings I want him to say more. A curtain call later and my appetite has only grown.

The promoter takes us backstage because She handed out pamphlets for the show. Jose is quiet and gentle. He signs Her CD sleeve, Her poster, Her ticket and Her backstage pass. I ask him about Zero 7 and he says thanks us for coming to watch.

The promoter kisses Her twice. Says he's starting a company. Says he wants to use her skills. She's only 1st year design and the skill he's talking about works just as well with his eyes closed.

I'm glad that it's no longer my problem.


I hate having to explain the intentions of something that I write but I now need to. The capitalised letters of She and Her are intended to identify a particular person. This person is a huge fan and had many things signed by Jose. The promoter seemed slimy from the moment I met him and the second last paragraph is inteded to show his thinly veiled agenda. This post is a record of my experience of the night and in no way represents any unhappy feelings towards any single person.

Thank you to the anonymous person that reads what I write.

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Blogger stroibessi said...

Hai! please remove your explanation of your post? dit maak afbreek. The caps are enough, the explanation makes it to ... i dont know... obvious. You shouldnt think readers need explanations. Whatever happens to what you create after it left your pen (or paintbrush or whatever), shouldn't be controlled by you. You dont have any responsibility after you put it out there.

You have a raw, emotional way of writing. I like it.

Blogger Karen Little said...

I agree with the previous commenter - give your readers some credit, bud. We know what you're talking about, and you are clear enough in your subtlety to be understood. Those who don't understand will not understand your explanation either, anyway.


Blogger Debaser said...

Linda: Thanks. I guess that it's the designer in me that thinks some part of communication should be controlled.

Karen: I have faith in my readers - the ones that I know of at least.

The thing is that someone's misinterpretation lead to hurt feelings and hot tempers. The edit is there to diffuse the situation. It will be removed at a later stage.

Thanks again.


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